Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I slipped - ok, I slid down the hill and landed in a pond ...

I really got off track! What was I thinking? I had gained back the weight I lost, PLUS 5 pounds, and found myself tipping the scales at 256 pounds! The heaviest I've ever been was 261, so it was really disappointing to know that I had crawled back to a weight where I was completely ashamed and disappointed in my body, and what I had done to myself.

It was little more than that, that made me go back on the diet - but I also have another trip scheduled for Feb. 20th, and I don't want to look like I ate the old me. So Monday, February 9, I started my diet, with the idea that I would lose 51 pounds in 36 days. Of course, this accounts for days AFTER my trip, pulling my goal weigh-in to Monday, March 16, 2009. The goal: 199lbs. The probability of reaching that goal: slim, unfortunately - but I am keeping my "eye on the prize."

When I weighed myself Sunday night at 9pm, I weighed 250.0 pounds. Monday, at the same time in the same clothes: 250.8 pounds. It was terrifying! I knew that this diet took 24-hours to really set in motion, but to gain 8 oz. was just a shot to the ego. No matter, I did what I set out to do. I exercised, I ate before 7pm, and I went to bed early. On Tuesday morning at 8:15, I was at 249.6.

I spent all day Tuesday worried about what I would weigh that night at 9pm, and also what I should and shouldn't allow myself to do on Valentines Day. I had been told that I was going to go to Brunch at one of our favorite places - and though there are a wide array of foods that have very low carbs, I don't want to cheat myself from good food, and I don't want to set back the progress of this diet - which I so very desperately need to continue on!

Tuesday night, after sticking to the diet all day, and working out for an hour, (again eating before 7pm) I weighed myself at 9pm. The scheduled time for everyday until March. 247.2. That was great, a total weight loss of 3.6 pounds from just a day earlier, and even greater, more than 2 pounds lost from that very morning!

That kept me on track - and though I really wanted something sweet before bed, (my usual routine) I decided that nothing was going to stand in the way of my success! So off to sleep I went, and this morning at 8:15, I weighed myself hoping to see that I was still in the 247 mark, and that last night hadn't just been a fluke. 244.2! Yes, another 3 pounds - in my sleep! What a great feeling!

Now, granted, this is a total of 6.6 pounds lost - and the fact that I am a male, with more than 50 pounds to lose plays heavily into how fast I am losing the weight. I also know that this is merely water weight - and I've not seen a drastic change in the fit of my clothing, however on the third day of the process, with more than 6 pounds lost, I'm willing to give this a few more days to see just how much more I can lose.

The plan: if I weigh 236 on Sunday morning (my goal weight to stick to my 51-pound loss in 36 days!) then I will go to the Brunch, and have the delicious waffles and fresh syrup and homemade whipped cream! Mmm! Along with plenty of bacon, omlettes, and sausage - to keep me knee deep in my diet!

If I weigh more than 236 on Sunday morning, then I will have to forego the waffles, and stick to the bacon and eggs. :) No way I'm skipping out on such a delicious meal!

I'll be back - maybe not tomorrow - but definitely soon, to keep you updated with the progress of the loss!

1 comment:

eredblue said...

Hi! What kind of diet are you doing? (I mean does it have a name or are you doing your own kind?) Good luck on the journey!
