Thursday, February 19, 2009

Imagine my surprise ...

Last night, shortly after writing my very short, very late post, I went back to sleep. I found it a little hard to get out of bed this morning, seeing as how I probably needed even more sleep, but I think the collective 9 hours did my body good enough, and here is why:


I couldn't believe my eyes, and I think I even said, "WHAT!?" I stepped on the scale again, and again it read 230.8. That means that yesterday I lost 3 pounds, making my total average 2 pounds per day these past 10-days, and bringing me to my exact goal: to be 20 pounds thinner before I leave for the trip. (tomorrow)
Oh, I can't tell you how good this feels, but I'm worried for two reasons: (1) I don't seem to have that big of an impact on my clothes, and the way that they fit. Now - granted, this could be an illusion, as I was clearly much more heavy looking in my clothes before, and now they are loose, but it is still a little worrisome, and I hope that I'm not losing muscle mass during this rather abusive process. (2) I'm going to get off of this diet soon, and I'm worried that I'm gonna fly back up to the high numbers that I saw before.
Above all, I can say that this is a change, a change in the right direction. 230.8 makes me only 31 pounds from my goal weight; taking off 20 pounds has lowered my bmi 2.6 points, taking me from what they consider Obese, to overweight; I've seen a tremendous change in my face, and all of my friends are noticing it as well; I fit into pants that I have been hoping I'd fit into for well over a year!!
I feel so great, and I figure that I have only 1 more day (today) of truly sticking to the diet as I had prescribed. Then I can go on my trip, and have a blast!! Thinner, Happier, and above all, unashamed of the way I look.

1 comment:

eredblue said...

I've never known anybody to lose weight so fast!
Maybe after you go off the diet if you want to maintain you could just count calories. I used to use think they have a new website now but it'll redirect you. Anyway they'll calculate your caloric needs and you can put in your foods and exercise and they add it all up and it's super easy. I pretty much lost all my weight by counting calories. I lost more (as comparing one week of calorie counting to one week of intentional eating) after I decided I didn't want to count them anymore, but I learned a lot while I was counting, about portion size and the nutritional value of the things we eat.
Clothes are tricky, too. I read a thing in which Rachel Ray was talking about wearing a size 6 and not weighing herself because within the clothes there was about 20 pounds either way and she could still wear them but once they got too tight she just started moving more because she loved to eat. Anyway I'm sure you look great and congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful time!