Friday, February 27, 2009

Self Sabotage

I've noticed something about me lately - I seem to be an emotional eater. I wouldn't have thought that before, necessarily, but these past few days - with what has been a brutal existence at home, I've eaten so badly ... almost on purpose.

Last night, after eating more than 2000 calories of McDonalds crap, yes crap - it was the most awful tasting substance, I laid in bed and cried. Why did I do that to myself? What pushed me there, to that place where I said - it doesn't matter anymore?

No matter, today those empty calories and nights spent crying are over. I am in serious need of a lifestyle overhaul - and I'm going to make sure that I get it. I'm still tipping the scale at just about 240, but still in the 239 range.

I'm going to make sure that I get back down into the 229 range soon, very soon. Look forward to my posted loss by Monday.

1 comment:

eredblue said...

I'm glad you had a nice trip and sorry the existence at home is brutal (and trusting that you'll get help if you need it--brutal can mean so many things) I want to mention to you something that really woke me up--Geneen Roth is the author of many books on emotional/compulsive eating and the book of hers that turned it around for me (although all 3 that I've read have been good) was "Feeding the Hungry Heart". I'm re-re-reading it right now, even though with "morning sickness" lasting through the evening I'm not able to think about hunger so much as how to keep my blood sugar and blood pressure up so that the baby (and I) will stand a chance. I recommended the same author to another blogger and she seemed to really be able to relate to the message (her blog is here if you want to see what she said: Even if you don't buy into Geneen's way of eating (though I do), you should at least hear what she has to say about being kind to ourselves. So that's just my opinion and I will say again that I'm not some kind of emissary for Geneen Roth. I just happen to think she's onto something that everybody should hear. Take care!