Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day Four

Yes, I skipped blogging for Day Three, sorry. No one has commented on this anyway - so it's my assumption that you won't mind.

Today I had a large breakfast: 3 eggs over-easy, and 12, yes 12 pieces of bacon. Sounds unhealthy? Yes, well it is - I'm sure my arteries are clogging up as I type ... however, I have lost a considerable amount of weight.

This morning, I weighed myself, and to my surprise, 240.2. Yes, that's 10 pounds in just three and a half days. I was very good yesterday (Day Three) when we took a ride to Toronto. Oh, how I longed to pick up donuts from Timmy Ho's, or have a snickers bar, or a big 44oz. fountain rootbeer; but I resisted, and I am happy that I did.

I ate at a burger place, 2 patties, cheese, and 2 small hamburger dill slices. I assumed that I would have been given more pickles - I mean, how much are those things anyway? And I'm sure that they were saving plenty by not piling anything else on the darned thing! Why couldn't they have just given me a break, and given me say 5 or 6 hamburger dill slices? The equivelant to 1/16th of a pickle?

Ah no matter. Then we went to see "The Secret Life of Bee's" last night after our Toronto trip with our very good friend. She's a popcorn junky, and I won't lie, I had some. However, being the small lady she is - I had her doll out the junk. 2 handfulls, the equivelant to 1 of my handfulls, and I broke down and had a 64oz. fountain drink of diet coke. Now, I shouldn't be drinking diet coke - it's not good for my ulcer, but it's sweet, and it's calorie free, and I think that every 8oz. counts as 1 carb, so 8 carbs ... not bad, especially noting that I had not had any other carbs that day, albeit the handfull of popcorn.

I did weigh myself before our little trip yesterday morning, but because I didn't write it down, I can't remember what it was. 24-something? Anyway - it was less than the day before, and that means that this is working - again, like it always does.


Today's Weight:

Pounds Lost:

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