Monday, October 20, 2008

Day Five

Ah, finally I broke 240 this morning, and ended up right on the line of 239.0. Heaven!

We went to The Secret Life of Bee's Saturday with a good friend, I'm pretty sure I already blogged about this, but before we were on our way, I couldn't help but to see a picture of me that she had on her refrigerator.

That picture had been taken only 5 years ago, maybe 4, and I (if I do say so myself) looked amazing! A black and white "headshot" that was supposed to be used for auditions, should I come across any, in NYC. I remember at the time, having gained some weight from my earlier 196ish shots, that I looked fat, bloated, unrecognizable ... but Saturday, I looked young, gorgeous, lovely. Isn't it funny how 4 years, and 35 pounds can make you see a picture of yourself completely differently?

I must have weighed 210 or 215 at that shot, not thin - not heavy, but not 196ish. I'd love to get back to that place.

Today's Menu:
Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: 1 1/2 (5" sticks) beef jerky/cheese combo (Total of 4.5 carbs)
Dinner: 1 1/2 chicken breasts baked in bbq sauce
"Cheated" 2 rolo's

Today's Weight:

Pounds Lost:

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