Yes, I gained. Now - I will say, when I weighed myself after getting home last night, I had lost 1.6 pounds, and was down to 241. Within the night, had I continued on my path, I would have been back into the 239 range - BUT, I cheated.
It was my last night to get rid of the fantastic corn chips that my friend brought me from out of state, and to eat the last bit of that ice cream in the freezer. I felt so apprehensive getting on that scale this morning - I knew that there would be a gain, and sure enough there was.
I am back on the diet today, however - and I'm looking forward to continued weightloss like yesterday's BEFORE I decided to cheat and indulge. I made a weightloss calendar, which had several goals on it yesterday, and I'm hoping to be down 30 pounds before November 25th, when I leave to go back and see family.
I'm not sure if I am going to do it, it will be tough. It will be a total loss of 38 pounds in just a few weeks. I plan on doing my diet and exercising as much as I can, without completely exhausting myself. Ultimately, it's a particular pair of pants I'd like to wear while "home" and I think that I will wear them comfortably even if I only lost another 15 pounds, but 30 is the goal.
So Starting TODAY, we'll have a pound count down. From 251.6 to the goal of 213.6 is 38 pounds. So the scale will already read 8 pounds down, YAY! Only 30 more to go.