Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, after re-reading the blog, I realized that 230 was where I was for the trip I took with my friend WAY back in Feb of 2009. That was a whopping 20.7 pounds in 10 days. Course, then I messed it up and went off the wagon! LOL! Course I wonder ... what's going to happen this time?

My date is much further off - 2 months, and 11 days so there's less of a chance that I'm going to use 20 pounds as my "cheating" point. Hell, I don't need a cheating point. LOL! I need to lose 65 pounds!

So, I am doing well - I did lose weight. About 5 pounds. So I really only need to lose 60.8 pounds. Not quite 61 pounds. I think that I can do it before Christmas. THINK. WANT TO. but who the heck knows - maybe it'll happen - maybe not.

I definitely need to be nearer to 220 preferrably 215 by November 11. What's Nov. 11. A great opportunity. One I can't and won't pass up.

I also just thought about my last trip to this place - someone with us said: "You could stop eating Candy and lose 60 pounds." WOW! I mean, that's rude, but what I'm focusing on is the word SIXTY! SIXTY!?!?

I mean, she could have said 40, or 30, or 20 - but no, 60! SIXTY!~

I guess that means it was evident to others - especially her, that I had 60 pounds to lose! BITCH. I mean, I'm sorry kids - but come on. Who the hell says something like that? To someone they call their friend!?!!

Anyway, I can't wait to lose 60 pounds and then show up at her door. HELLO!!?!!? LOL! And likely, I'll probably have already lost it before I see her again. Haven't seen her since June.

So, anyway - the task, stay on the diet. EVEN WITH THE WEEKEND HOLIDAY. If I can do this I can do anything!

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