Saturday, September 11, 2010
17.4 Pounds Down
Ok, so here's the good part about all of this. I'm looking at having somewhere in the range of 30-35 pounds off in September, and that will keep me right on track for my total goal of 50 by November. In October, I plan on slowly introducing a healthy track of carbs and cheating occasionally - and I'd like to do that without having some massive repercussion of gaining 100 pounds.
Back to September. With 17.4 - 17.8 pounds down after Day 10, that means that if I stay on this path, (given that my cheat tonight will set me back 2.9 pounds) I'll possibly be at 52.8 pounds lost in September putting me at 212.4. Wow - that's lofty!
I can't imagine it though. That's quite a feat for just 30 days - 52 pounds! That's at a rate of 1.76 pounds per day. Granted, there's the potential there for less loss as this diet proceeds, possibly more loss as the diet proceeds if I'm steady and add exercise to my regiment.
Anyway - big question of the day is ... do I cheat tonight. I mean, I want to. I REALLY REALLY want to, but is it worth it? My friend Sheri sent me a text yesterday that said:
Now that's something to say over and over and over, huh? LOL!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
15 Pounds Down
The weight journey started like this:
- Day 1: September 1, 2010: Weight 265.2
- Day 9: September 9, 2010: Weight 250.4
Now, if you remember, I was down 20 pounds by this time last time I did the diet, but in all fairness, I hadn't cheated at all during that series, and I was working out like crazy daily hoping to get the weight off.
I'm guessing that I'll be able to get the weight off pretty quickly, or as quickly as I am not with no problem. Ultimately losing another 50 pounds would be fabulous, but I'm not all together sure that it would look too good to be that thin again.
My hope is that the rest of the month might fall in line like this:
- Day 15: September 15, 2010: Weight 245.0
- Day 20: September 20, 2010: Weight 240.0
- Day 25: September 25, 2010: Weight 235.0
- Day 30: September 30, 2010: Weight 230.0
If I can lose 35 pounds in September, not my goal - my hope, then I will be in a very good place for the rest of October. October will bring some big changes, as I plan on hitting the gym daily, and hard. This might include some at home work outs, walking around the block with the girls, and other "training" methods.
Ultimately, October would look something like this:
- Day 40: October 10, 2010: Weight 225.0
- Day 45: October 15, 2010: Weight 222.0
- Day 50: October 20, 2010: Weight 220.0
- Day 55: October 25, 2010: Weight 218.0
- Day 50: October 30, 2010: Weight 216.0
Now, you know I have to have some candy on halloween. Or atleast I think I do. Maybe with the extreme loss of weight (if possible through this calculation - a total of 49.2 pounds) then I will not want the candy. Hmmm.
Given that the conference I am attending is on November 12, 2010, I'm going to probably have a water fast program in November at least for a few days. This will help shed any extra water that's in my system so that I can be as thin as possible.
- Day 60: November 9, 2010: Weight 210.0
- Day 65: November 14, 2010: Weight 215.0
- Day 70: November 19. 2010: Weight 212.5
I've definitely got my work cut out for me. So, we'll see. Crossing my fingers here.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My date is much further off - 2 months, and 11 days so there's less of a chance that I'm going to use 20 pounds as my "cheating" point. Hell, I don't need a cheating point. LOL! I need to lose 65 pounds!
So, I am doing well - I did lose weight. About 5 pounds. So I really only need to lose 60.8 pounds. Not quite 61 pounds. I think that I can do it before Christmas. THINK. WANT TO. but who the heck knows - maybe it'll happen - maybe not.
I definitely need to be nearer to 220 preferrably 215 by November 11. What's Nov. 11. A great opportunity. One I can't and won't pass up.
I also just thought about my last trip to this place - someone with us said: "You could stop eating Candy and lose 60 pounds." WOW! I mean, that's rude, but what I'm focusing on is the word SIXTY! SIXTY!?!?
I mean, she could have said 40, or 30, or 20 - but no, 60! SIXTY!~
I guess that means it was evident to others - especially her, that I had 60 pounds to lose! BITCH. I mean, I'm sorry kids - but come on. Who the hell says something like that? To someone they call their friend!?!!
Anyway, I can't wait to lose 60 pounds and then show up at her door. HELLO!!?!!? LOL! And likely, I'll probably have already lost it before I see her again. Haven't seen her since June.
So, anyway - the task, stay on the diet. EVEN WITH THE WEEKEND HOLIDAY. If I can do this I can do anything!
It's late ...
Starting weight : 265.2 - yeah, I know! I KNOW!!! I am heavier now than I have been in a long time. Probably heavier than I've ever been.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thursday Weigh In
1. Under 250
2. 10 Pounds down
And even though I so badly wanted to have jelly beans or chocolate - it is Easter afterall, I didn't give into the cravings and found that after just a few hours - they were gone. Along with my hunger all together. Today I ate 3 sticks of beef jerky. None of them particulary good - and none of them because I wanted to. I had to get protein into my body - and with my peculiarly busy day (seeing as I was off of work) I had no choice but to eat gas station food.
That was until this evening, around 10pm, when I ate a small hamburger pattie and a tsp. of ketchup. And believe it or not - it was actually really good, and just enough to take the hunger edge off.
I'm hoping that tomorrow I can avoid the scale all togehter. Gaining weight at this point would be a huge deterrent, especially if I weigh before I go to my office which has atleast 2 bowls of easter candy.
10 pounds down, 35 more to go. I can do this ... I can do this!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ok - I Cheated

Monday, March 29, 2010
Restart, 258.4
I'm not sure where or when the disconnect happened. I mean, I lost 30 pounds while writing this blog, and I packed it back on plus some! Remember WAY back to February of 2009?
Monday, Feb. 9: Weight 250.8 / beginning weight
Tuesday, Feb. 10: Weight 247.2 / 3.6 pound loss
Wednesday, Feb. 11: Weight 244.2 / 3 pound loss
Thurdsay, Feb. 12: Weight 242.6 / 1.6 pound loss
Friday, Feb. 13: Weight 240.2 / 2.4 pound loss
Saturday, Feb. 14: Weight 238.8 / 1.4 pound loss
Sunday, Feb. 15: Weight 236.0 / 2.8 pound loss
Monday, Feb. 16: Weight 235.6 / .4 pound loss
Tuesday, Feb. 17: Weight 234.4 / 1.2 pound loss
I eventually lost just over 20 pounds, and in the course of 2-weeks! Perhaps it was the ability to lose weight so quickly that had me so careless about how quickly I packed it back on? I don't know. But, I'm 8 pounds HEAVIER than I was at the start of Feb. 2009, and I no longer have a gym membership or group of friends with memberships to keep me motivated to go daily.
In short, though - because I could go on, and after re-reading this blog from its beginning, it would really be the same thing over and over again, I need to lose 40 pounds in April. April 24th is my 4-year anniversary with the most amazing person. I know we'll go out for dinner, so I don't want to ruin the experience for both of us because of my diet. I will skip the diet for dinner that night, but immediately get back on it, and ride it out through my birthday in mid-May.
The hopeful breakdown:
Start Date: 3/29 - Beginning Weight 258.4
Week One: 4/5 - Hopefully down 249.0 (loss of 9.4lbs)
Week Two: 4/12 - Hopefully down 239.0 (total loss of 19.4lbs)
Week Three: 4/19 - Hopefully down 230.0 (total loss of 28.4lbs)
- Cheating on 4/24 for the anniversary dinner. Not huge cheating. Just wine, and maybe a carb.
Week Four: 4/26 - Hopefully down 225.0 (total loss of 33.4lbs)
Week Five: 5/3 - Hopefully down 219.0 (total loss of 39.4lbs)
- Cheating on 5/8 for the birthday party. Alcohol, and perhaps cake? pie? Come on, it's my birthday!
Week Six: 5/10 - Hopefully down to 215.0 only 4lbs because of the bday cake (total loss of 43.4lbs)
Leaving for vacation 5/13 - GOAL WEIGHT: 213.4 For a total weight loss of 45 POUNDS!
The plan, my PSMDF fall back for the entirety of the almost 6 weeks, along with a 6-week slim down home work out, nightly walking/jogging (weather permitting), and moderate weight lifting as part of the circuit training from the home work out. I think that all of this can work in unison to help break the marks and push my weight WAY DOWN helping me to develop a more reasonable weight.
I have three pairs of shorts that I purchased last year for a vacation we took to Newport in September. I couldn't comfortably wear 2 of the 3 pair. Now, I'm not sure what weather we'll incur on the trip in mid-May, but if it's anything like last year, a pair of shorts with a smart sweater would be completely appropriate, and the beautiful pairs that I couldn't wear last Summer will really look great. Both pair are a 36 waist, but if losing 45 pounds means that I can no longer wear a 36, and have to go shopping, I'm CERTAINLY not going to complain! LOL!
Wish me luck, again - please! I know I can do this! I'll be checking in with you during the weigh ins. I'm not going to weigh in daily for a while, because I have found that it doesn't keep me motivated in the beginning. So my next weigh in will probably be on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed for the high 240's, and as we leave the 250s, 240s, 230s, 220s - we'll be waiving goodbye for good. I'm done with this - seriously.